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8 Top Tips for Happy, Healthy Feet: National Feet Week

Tips for foot care, healthy feet

They carry us around all day, get squeezed into badly fitting footwear and are often the most neglected parts of our body, our feet!

As we come up to National Feet Week, let's treat those hardworking feet to the pampering that they deserve, with some top tips from foot health professional Tracey Mitchell from Foot and Ear Healthcare

  • Shoe them some love, and check your shoe size. Don't presume your feet will stay the same size as an adult, As we age our feet can change shape and width over time. Poor fitting shoes can have a negative impact on your foot health, and can lead to a variety of problems.

  • Step up with regular foot checks. If you are living with Diabetes, it's essential to check your feet regularly. You can check them yourself or ask a friend, relative or foot care practitioner. Early detection of a wound or injury to your feet can help to prevent serious infections.

  • Smart Snipping. Always cut your toe nails in line with the natural contour of your toe, sharp corners could lead to painful ingrown toenails.

  • Corny puns aside, Ditch the medicated plasters. Tracey advises against the use of medicated corn plasters especially if you have Diabetes. Using a medicated corn plaster on healthy tissue could result in tissue breakdown and potentially an infection or ulcer. Corns are caused by pressure and/or friction. Ensure your footwear has sufficient room and cushioning and also worth checking the insides for any wear and tear.

  • Soak it up. To help prevent odours and athletes foot. Wash your feet daily with warm, soapy water, paying special attention to the areas between your toes. Treat your feet to a foot soak weekly. Kind Melts Bath Salts are a great way to do this. The combination of salts and warm water can help to soothe aches and soften the skin.

  • Massage your way to foot relief. Give yourself a mini foot massage with our Recovery body/massage oil. A fantastic combination of natural and essential oils to aid with easing aches and tension. The cooling and refreshing properties of peppermint and rosemary oils, leave your feet feeling fresh and soothed. Tracey recommends that as well as rolling a tennis ball under your feet, that you also include a calf massage. Having a calf massage helps release the tension under your feet, giving relief to heel pain and plantar fasciitis, it’s all connected!

  • Nailing it. If you know you have toe nail fungus, then don't just treat the toe nail. Use an anti fungal treatment and treat both your feet and nails simultaneously. The fungus starts in the skin then migrates to the nail bed.

  • Say goodbye to the dry. Do you have dry or cracked skin on your feet? After drying your feet thoroughly apply a nourishing, moisturising balm such as our Calming Calendula Balm. Calendula is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for an intense moisture treatment for dry skin on the feet. Never feel embarrassed to get your feet checked by a foot health professional, they’ve seen it all before and you may find a simple solution to your concerns. You can find contact details for Foot and Ear Healthcare by Tracey, here




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